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YAMAHA Fz16 PC+ Display Board! of Pricol SpeedometerImage1

YAMAHA Fz16 PC+ Display Board! of Pricol Speedometer

2021-11-26 20:350 quote
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YAMAHA Fz16 PC+ Display Board! of Pricol Speedometer

Purchase Quantity:5000 Piece(s)Sourcing Request From: India

This Is Sameer Shaik


We need a digital display PC+ board! Of [YAMAHA FZ16], the speeedometer "

Description are,

(1)- Runs by 12"twelve volts Runs from, an Empier

(2)-There are two inductors, one neutral and one high beam

(3)-There are eight lights in the middle of the display

(4)-Power -DC

If you support this display, we will continue to buy regular display from you. Three thousand pieces every month.

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