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Wooden Poles

2021-12-12 10:330 quote
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Wooden Poles

Purchase Quantity:Sourcing Request From: Jordan

Would like to inform you tat ideco " irbid district electricity company" announced for tender no 62-2012 for supply of 10 length wooden poles for the support of low voltage overhead electrical networks

Qty= 6000 poles

Closing date: December 19-2012

Please find attached tender specs, qty & conditions of contract

- prices should be on the basis of CFR aqaba Jordan port

- payment: As per ideco payment terms

- validity: Prices should be valid not les than 60 days from December 19-2012

Would like to work with your company in a commission base,

You have to provide ideco the required bid & performance bonds

Please let me know by return if you are interested to offer through our company?

Looking forward to receive your offer ASAP.

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