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Solar Shade Cloth 2 X LED Light 1.2V Ni-CD

2021-11-26 20:500 quote
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Solar Shade Cloth 2 X LED Light 1.2V Ni-CD

Purchase Quantity:Sourcing Request From: Australia

Solar panel 50mm x 50mm with detachable battery / 2x LED light and rain shroud for shade cloth use.

The Solar panel sits ON TOP of the shade cloth and will have + - pins that will pierce shade cloth weave and clip into weatherproof battery / light that is UNDER the shade Cloth

The battery box will have two push buttons to release the pins when changing battery or cleaning. The pins carry the power from the panel so each clip will have an electrical contact to carry the current to the battery.

The Lights should come on when darkness falls.

The diameter of the Solar panel + shroud should be no more than 75mm

The diameter of the Light / battery box should be no more than 65mm

The solar panel should be weather resistant and not allow water into the battery box beneath it.

The Voltage of the battery will be for a 1.2V Ni-CD rechargeable battery.

The 2 LEDs should be as bright as possible

There will be a Light Diffuser to spread the Light.

Packaging will be:

1 x unit shelf display (10x)

10 x unit boxed set

20 x unit boxed set

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