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Mini Submersible LED LightsImage1

Mini Submersible LED Lights

2022-02-02 11:210 quote
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Mini Submersible LED Lights

Purchase Quantity:

1000000 Piece(s)

Target Unit Price:

0.25 USD

Sourcing Request From:

 United States

We require a Mini Water Submersible (water proof) LED Light.

The light required is 30mm in diameter, base height is 15mm, base height to top of light is 23.30mm (please refer to images).

The lights are a push button on/off. Press once light turns on - press twice light flashes fast - press three times light flashes slow - press four times light turns off.

The unit must be a sealed unit and cannot be opened.

The light requires 2 X lithium batteries - CR2032, 3 Volt.

External material of the light is Poly-Styrene.

We require samples and costings as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible via email

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