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Lighting Fixtures

2021-12-19 22:520 quote
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Lighting Fixtures

Purchase Quantity:200 Piece(s)Sourcing Request From: United States

I work for a construction/development company in Dallas, Texas, USA. We have several large projects that will be underway soon and we would like for you to send us information regarding pricing, production time and shipping information from China to USA, and if this first business deal is cost-efficient and we can get shipments in on time, we will have much more demand to come (2 projects of 100+ units within the next several months).

We need: Per unit pricing, shipping costs, shipping procedures, estimated shipping time, estimated production time; That is the information that I am looking for if you please. I have dimensions and detailed information regarding the exact products we are looking for, but the images are too heavy to post to this site, so please contact me via email for further information regarding quantities and designs.

Our current deadline asks that these items be delivered by May 2022 approximately.

I thank you in advance for your feedback and I look forward to hearing back from you.

We believe the best real estate solutions occur when their finance, design and construction are seamless. We do that.

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