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Laser Diodes

2021-12-11 11:140 quote
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Purchase Quantity: Sourcing Request From: Vietnam

I am from TOSY Robotics JSC, a leading manufacturer of robotics products and high-tech toys in Vietnam

We are looking for laser diodes with following requirements:

1. Power smaller than 100mW

2. Color: Any available color of laser diode you can supply such as blue, green, red, pink, ^

3. Life Cycle: Minimum 10, 000 hours lighting continuously

4. Lighting distance: As far as possible, longer than 2 meters

5. Voltage: From 3 to 6 V.

This laser diode is for our new product that will start mass production from August next year with estimated demand volume of about 2 million pieces per year.

We would like to have your best quotation for this product under our demand volume to my email

I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

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