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LED Lights,Grow lights

2021-11-25 23:490 quote
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I have trawled the internet for four days but the product I want does not seem to exist. Yet I guestimate that there is a market in the tens of millions for it. The manufacturer does not even need to retool. Ask your technical people at 9am and they wlll have a prototype ready by 11am.

I want to grow houseplants in my living room. The daylight coming through the windows from the outside is not enough for most of the interesting plants, eg ylang-ylang and bougainvillae, that I want to grow. Living in northern Europe makes it worse.

Grow lights, as used in commercial greenhouse farming or for indoor marihuana culture, are not the answer. They have red and blue LEDs (mostly 8 reds to 1 blue) with spectra optimized for flowering and fruiting (red) and growth (blue). They produce a purplish light that makes my living room look like a brothel and makes the plants look awfull. For the plants this spectrum is really good but for the human eye it is terrible.

Warm white light would probably do the job as far as general indoor lighting and display lighting are concerned (the human eye) but the spectrum does not include the special red and blue bands needed for house plant growth.

So we need a combination. Start off with a warm or cool white light and replace some of the white LEDs with red and blue growth LEDs till you have something that still looks good but also gives optimal growth support to the plants. Blue might be de-emphasized since daylight already has a fair bit and it tends to produce very big plants.

Form factor: Spotlight with bayonet fitting. Power: 220V, 50W to 100W (in incandescend equivalent terms), dimmable. Beam: 30 degrees. Totally silent, no flickering.

Please send me a mail if you are going to do something with this. I'll only need 10 or 20 units myself but there is a huge market waiting for you out there.

Sourcing Request From: Netherlands

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