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LED Lighting Products

2021-11-26 21:130 quote
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LED Lighting Products

Purchase Quantity:1000 Piece(s) Sourcing Request From: Australia

Can I please get some more information eg: Wattage, chips used, warranty on LED lighting GU-10's, MR16's, LED Tubes, LED Bulbs, LED Panel Lighting, LED Spotlights & LED Highbays. Can I please have pricing at various quantities eg: 1, 10, 100, 1000+.

Our company is called The Green Energy Shop Pty Ltd and we sell a range of energy efficient products but lighting is becoming a huge part of our sales.

We also conduct energy audits on businesses and have some very large jobs coming up and would like to lock in a deal. We are also providing a growing number of electricians all of their lighting as well so we would like to be a distributor if possible we have a great brand and are looking for a long term partner to push more into the large commercial projects.

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