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LED Flexi-Lite BlueImage1

LED Flexi-Lite Blue

2021-12-16 10:590 quote
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CZ-1776b 12" LED Flexi-Lite Blue (10757558100269) or (00757558100262) or (757558100262)

Purchase Quantity:5000 Piece(s)Sourcing Request From: United States

Wang's International LED FLEX STRIPS

Contours to many surfaces

Easy & Secure mounting for interior & Exterior surface

4 inch LEDs

CZ-176W (White)

CZ-176B (Blue)

CZ-176R (Red)

CZ-176G (Green)

CZ-176P (Pink)

10 inch LEDs

CZ-180B (Blue)

CZ-180R (Red)

CZ-180W (White)

15 inch LEDs

CZ-181B (Blue)

CZ-181R (Red)

CZ-181W (White)

12 inch LEDs

CZ-177W (White)

CZ-177B (Blue)

CZ-177R (Red)

CZ-177G (Green)

CZ-177P (Pink)

36 inch LEDs

CZ-3055W (White) CZ-3055N (Orange)

CZ-3055B (Blue) CZ-3055R (Red)

CZ-3055G (Green)

Cut to fit

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