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LED Flashlight

2021-12-19 22:520 quote
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LED Flashlight

Purchase Quantity:250000 Piece(s)Sourcing Request From: United States

Greetings from the USA and Hong Kong.

My LARGE retail customer would be interested purchasing 100, 000 (minimum PO quantity) of a promo item with a TARGET FOB cost of USD 0.70 per PC.

By return email...

If you have any items that would meet our target price! ! !

Please advise

1A. Costing per unit

1b. Detailed specifications with photo(s)

1c. Retail packaging suggestion (counter top) ideas

1d. Case Pack info

2. FOB Point

3. Payment Terms

4. Sample Availability

5. Production Lead-Time


ALL product suggestions for this promotion would be most welcomed if the price is right!

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