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LED Flashlight & DIY Tools and Accessories

2021-12-12 10:210 quote
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LED Flashlight & DIY Tools and Accessories

Purchase Quantity:1000000 Piece(s) Sourcing Request From: China

We, Ventus Industries (HK) Co., Ltd is a leading producer / exporter of energy-free products in China. We are headquartered in UK with purchasing office in the rapidly growing city of Zhuhai, Guandong Province of China. We are looking for very good quality NEW products for a very strong brand. For your information, we have sold extremely successfully on UK and other markets with many lines, in particular wind up technology & DIY tools and accessories etc.

Can you please advise if you have any NEW products which have relevant approval for our UK market? Could you please give your price indication with detail product specification/pictures for our evaluation with MOQ/lead time etc? Thanks!

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