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LED Flame Lights 1 and 3 WattImage1

LED Flame Lights 1 and 3 Watt

2021-12-13 08:010 quote
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LED Flame Lights 1 and 3 Watt

Purchase Quantity:200000 Piece(s)Sourcing Request From: Netherlands

We are looking for the LED bulb lamps ( FLAME LIGHT onLY ) but prices much be reasonable for our import & Distributor

Sales market in the Netherlands and Europe

We only need LED Bulb FLAME LIGHTS with a Lumen of 50-100 Lumen per watt

We appreciate that you sent us your most attractive, best pricing of this product.

If you quote us prices higher than USD$ 1, 20, we cannot negotiate further.

Further we need the exact shipping costs, because all our regular suppliers arrange for us the

Freight costs in China ( rated between USD$ 4, 30 to USD$ 4, 80 PRO kg.

Purchase Quantity:10000 Piece(s)Sourcing Request From: Netherlands

We are interested in LED Flame light 1 watt and 3watt lumen 50/100 lm PRO watt

E27 and E14 --- with white packaging and retail packaging Please lower lumen. Please donot offer us other Bulb lights. We only need FLAME LIGHTS. Needed quantity 10.000- 15.000 PCS montly.

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