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LED Chip Drivers

2021-12-16 22:510 quote
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LED Chip Drivers

Purchase Quantity:Sourcing Request From: Pakistan


I'm required raw materials of 12V bulbs, just as:

LED chip drivers 100. Pieces

LED 12V's LEDs aluminium chips 100. Pieces.

Globs and holders 100. Pieces.

Pins pair 100. Pieces

Please let inform me about raw materials single piece and the overall price of the raw materials of 100. Prices along with shipping cost.

Payment process so that I send this immediately to buy the Material. Although I am well known your difficulties in this matter yet it's essential to break the monopoly of the wholesalers who deal in local made cheapest materials by purely China made products at higher prices.

Thanks your kind response and I will hope to repeat this again.

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