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All rooms need a variety of lighting: Ambient or background lighting, task lighting

2021-12-12 10:340 quote
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Director Lighting

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Good lighting can make or break the ambience of a room, so it pays to get it right.

All rooms need a variety of lighting: Ambient or background lighting, task lighting for close-up work or accent lighting to highlight special features. You can always update a room and improve the atmosphere with good lighting; Equally, nothing makes a room feel dated and unwelcoming like bad lighting.

Think about a lighting scheme before you start to decorate a room. Where is the furniture to go? You can install floor sockets underneath tables or free-standing furniture, avoiding ugly (and dangerous) trailing cords. How will you be using the room: Is it primarily for use during the day or at night? For study or entertaining?

1 Downlighting is something people love or hate. I think it can be incredibly helpful and effective in some respects, but, like everything, should be used in its proper place. During the day, rooms with good-sized windows will receive a fair amount of natural light. Yet in the evening, downlighters can help to create a soft overall glow that adds ambience. This is extra-useful in a reception or dining space.

2 Spotlights make a feature out of key possessions and architectural detail. They can also be interesting when used in the corners of rooms, where you would not normally have light. You can then install two different switches, so that any ceiling lights would be on a different circuit to spotlights. In my bedroom, I have installed two circuits. One is for spotlights to highlight specific areas and one for periphery lights, which is good for adjusting levels of light for different moods. A blanket of spotlights on a ceiling isn't glamorous and the excessive light they provide can be exhausting, but a dimmer switch can instantly change the lighting from dramatic to cosy.

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