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80,100&120W LED Street lights

2021-11-02 21:210 quote
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In our country 6598564 PCS street Lights will be replaced with LED types. Could you PLS quote 80,100,120W streetlights.We need LED street Lights(non solar)

Line voltage is 22*VAC, 50*Hz.For this purpose could you pls send 1 sample of 80W or 100W by attaching related invoice for customs clearing; for sampling to Ministery of Energy together with catalogues. Could you pls advise power ranges, size info & prices.

New Turkish Minister of Energy is our ex sales manager; We'll show sample to him;we need your support.

We also need LED strip light sample; my brothers Company needs for illumination of data center cabinets.Pls send 50cm sample & catalogue + price info.

Another possibility is about sports lighting; we can make good business in Turkiye for football stadium and basketball salloons illumination. If you can supply any product; for this application pls send us detailed information, catalogues 30*pcs, reference list and pricing info.

There are many other opportunities like lighting of super markets, Shopping centers etch. Pls provide us catalogues & Price infos. We're planning markedly your products at the IstanbulLighting Fair on early September. Could you pls respond asap; since we have to make advanced payment for the exhibition.

By the way our Company have been serving to regional markets as rep & distributor of Electronics & Electrical products since 19**.


Mr. Ozcan Gur

Burhaniye, Bahçeler Sk. No:10, 34676 Üsküdar/İstanbul


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