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100 Solar Powered 15W to 30W LED Street Lights

2022-02-02 11:150 quote
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100 Solar Powered 15W to 30W LED Street Lights, 20'+Pole, Top of Pole Battery Location,Solar Powered LED Street Lights 100

Purchase Quantity:

100 Piece(s)

Target Unit Price:

500 USD

Sourcing Request From:

 United States

Please QUOTE 100 Solar Powered LED Street Lights 15W, 25W, & 30W including 20'+ pole with anchor bolts and complete specifications delivered to Kisumu, Kenya.

In addition to sending a quote to my office, Quote the Phase I Project to PACOP International Ltd., Telposta Towers 19th Floor, Koinange Street/Kenyatta Ave. Junc,

P. O. Box 29314-00100, Nairobi, Kenya, attention Charles Yugi Onunga, President,

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