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Why do primary and secondary schools have to switch to dedicated classroom eye protectio

2019-11-06 00:190

Why do primary and secondary schools have to switch to dedicated classroom eye protection before 2023

Why primary and secondary schools should be replaced with special classroom lights by 2023, according to the analysis report statistics of China's elementary school students myopia rate of 45.71%, myopia rate of junior high school students jumped to 74.36%, high school students, college students myopia rate of 84.82%.

According to China's first systematic study of visual health, the white paper "National Visual Health", 35.16% to 39.21% of people over 5 years old are myopic, i.e., one in three people are myopic, and the total number of people suffering from myopia is between 437 million and 487 million.

(1) Myopia can cause various pathologies, affect learning efficiency, lead to physical and mental abnormalities, cause inconvenience in life, and be passed on to the next generation.

(2) In the fields of aerospace, precision manufacturing, military and other industries, people who meet the vision requirements may face a huge shortage, which will directly threaten the sustainable economic and social development of China.

(3) The CDC survey found that poor classroom lighting environment is the main factor leading to students' vision loss, and the Natural Science Foundation project "research on classroom health lighting based on photobiological effects" experiment shows more scientifically that school classroom lighting will directly affect students' learning efficiency and vision health.

Causes of students' vision loss

(1) Learning environments that do not meet relevant national lighting standards.

(2) Congenital genetic factors.

(3) Eye hygiene, incorrect sitting posture, and excessive study load.

(4) Excessive use of electronic devices, etc.

Common problems of domestic classroom lighting

Students spend most of their time in school, especially elementary school students whose eyesight is in the development period, they are in the long term in the light conditions do not meet the requirements of intense learning, bear the unbearable light pollution, resulting in a general decline in vision. Most of the domestic classroom lighting has the following six major common problems:

(1) desk illumination and illumination uniformity is generally lower than the national standard, students long-term in the illumination of low and uneven lighting environment to learn, is very easy to cause visual fatigue.

(2) No special blackboard lighting, most and classroom space shared fluorescent lamps, the average illumination of the blackboard is very low, resulting in students can not see the contents of the blackboard clearly.

(3) Exposed fluorescent tubes installed with direct light to students' eyes easily produce glare, distracting students' attention and subsequently reducing learning efficiency, leading to visual fatigue and easily causing myopia.

(4) The color rendering index is too low, and most classrooms use fluorescent lamps with a color rendering index of about 70, causing color distortion. Especially in professional classrooms such as art, chemistry and biology, which directly affects students' correct judgment of the color of objects.

(5) fluorescent lighting fixtures are generally configured with inductive ballasts, there is a serious light strobe effect, the students' visual system to adapt to strobe changes, will be frequent automatic adjustment, easy to cause visual fatigue.

(6) widespread classroom lighting using high color temperature 6500K fluorescent tubes, due to the light color is too white, easily lead to students caused by hyperactivity, fatigue.

Relevant information shows that, at present, according to the "primary and secondary school classroom lighting and lighting health standards" requirements, the use of traditional lamps and lanterns in the school classroom lighting desktop illumination rate of less than 40%, the classroom blackboard illumination rate of less than 10%.

It is necessary to comprehensively improve the quality of lighting in primary and secondary schools to protect the visual health of young children.

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