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What Healthcare Lighting offers

2020-11-13 09:470

The Healthcare Lighting was founded with a singular mission: to deliver high-quality lighting systems that contribute to positive patient outcomes. Our solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of the healthcare environment, enhancing the patient experience while enabling caregiver effectiveness and performance. Our commitment is manifested through tailored light distributions, intuitive controls and ease of maintenance.

"The so-called health lighting is to use LED lighting to improve and improve the conditions and quality of people's work, study, and life, and to promote mental and physical health. In the classification of health lighting, hospital lighting is the most special existence, and it is directly related to life connect."

The material conditions of modern life have been greatly improved, and health awareness has strengthened, making people pay more attention to the details of life and the requirements for various places. The same is true in the lighting field. The hot topic of healthy lighting is based on people's needs and requirements, and the corresponding medical lighting is also attracting attention from the public. Then, in the medical environment, how does the lighting system affect the rehabilitation, psychology and emotion of patients? In addition to the lighting function, does the light environment of the hospital have a healing effect? This is obviously a scientific proposition worthy of careful exploration.

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