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10 biggest mistakes not to make when choosing pool lighting

2021-10-14 11:110

How many of you have dreamed of the perfect lighting for your pool to give you the most beautiful pool ever?

Integrated dive projectors are an art! As with photography, light plays a vital role. It's the secret to those places that make you feel good. For a successful installation, pool lighting must adhere to some basic principles, including safety and aesthetics. We'll share with you the pitfalls to avoid, not offer advice! It's on!

Make your pool beautiful with LightsLighting!

1. Don't hire a professional

Practical tutorials for installing lights can be found online, but not hiring a professional is a big mistake! Water and electricity are the two elements that require the utmost precaution. only a qualified person can install the lights and keep you safe. Do not neglect this safety element. 2.

2. Choose pool lighting that does not meet regulations

The choice of equipment is the second critical safety point. Even if the electrical system is fully installed, there is a risk of electric shock if the product is of poor quality. Swimming pool lights must meet clearly defined standards (IP67 and IP68). Take care to buy properly validated products (for more information on how to choose high-end lighting).

3. Forget about LED light integration before building a swimming pool

LightsLighting pool lights will enhance your pool and access

Light up your pool successfully with LightsLighting submersible projectors!

Imagine a swimming pool without lights at night ...... It's impossible! Ideally, by the time you read this article, your pool will not have been constructed. Now is the time we need to think about pool lighting. You will be able to integrate flooded pool lights into the structure for a superb visual effect.

If your pool is already built, rest assured that the solution is there. We recommend that you contact an expert to find out what options are possible.

4. Trying to put too many lights in your pool

A pool illuminated by a thousand and one spotlights on paper is a fantastic idea. In practice, the results can be disappointing. In addition to the complexity of the job, it is best to choose the right spotlight. For swimming pools, it is the golden rule to choose the minimum number of lights that will provide the most beautiful silhouette for your pool.

5, pool lights positioned incorrectly

Pool lights should be placed at a medium height, almost at the surface of the water. For practical reasons, this will make it easier to replace the lighting. This position in the structure will give you the best results, rendering well-lit contours and highlighting depth.

6. Install energy-consuming lighting

Why do more when you can do less? LED lights offer technology that is as efficient (if not more so) than their halogen predecessors. They benefit from lower energy consumption and a lifespan of up to 40,000 hours! LEDs are easy and convenient to install in your wallet because they help create a greener environment.

7. Choose a light that's too white

Whether you're enjoying a smoothie or going for a relaxing night swim, choosing the right type of lighting is crucial. Think about lighting the pool in neutral or warm white. You will bring a more warm and welcoming effect to your family and holiday nights.

8. Improperly defined light intensity

Depending on the location of the buried lights, it is necessary to decide on one or the other model. To light up the length, choose a powerful 67.5 W model projector. To illuminate the width or integrated in the steps, there are 17.5 W and 7.5 W lamps.

9. Poor exterior lighting

If your pool is correctly lit, there is no need to add other lights directly around the pool. Stylish and convenient, we recommend creating a light path to the pool. Recessed lights are perfect for creating exterior ambiance.

10. Don't indulge yourself

It's done ...... We will conclude at this point, which is often forgotten in the work: the concept of pleasure. What's the point of work if we don't engage? The most serious mistake you can make is not to participate in the project. If pool lighting must meet specific safety and aesthetic standards, it is essential to maintain a fair amount of joy in the work.

If there is one rule to keep in mind throughout the building, this is it. This will lead you to the pool of your dreams, a pool that looks like you.

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